Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite Mita (WN) Chapter 93

Author: Suisei
Translator: Rinkage

Character page: Here

Chapter 93 – I enquired about the moniker of the girl I like

“Thank you for your hard work.” [Youki]

“Hmm? Ah, are you a friend of young mistress?”

At the moment, I was dropping by Aquarain mansion for a visit. Since an appointment was made, no trouble has taken place. The gatekeeper even greeted me lightly whenever I visited now. It was a different experience from the previous gatekeeper who turned me away, which was helpful for me.

“But the young mistress is out today since she has work at the shrine.” [gatekeeper]

“Ah, I’m not here to see Cecilia today. I came to see Celia-san.” [Youki]

“You came to see young madame?!” [gatekeeper]

“Yes.” [Youki]

I made my way through the gate once it was opened, ignoring the gatekeeper who looked shocked for some reason. Was it really that surprising? My mind pondered over it as Sophia-san led me to the guest room.

“It’s been a while, Youki-kun. I hope you’ve been well. Are things going well with Cecilia?” [Celia]

“It’s been a while, Celia-san. No comment… was what I’d like to say, but I guess this is not the answer that you’d like to hear. I’d like to think that things are going well, at least.” [Youki]

As soon as I entered the room, she shot me a difficult question. I tried to come up with an evasive answer, but I decided to be honest about my feelings instead of avoiding them.

“I see. Well, based on what I’ve seen from Cecilia, I think it should be fine.” [Celia]

“Then, why did you ask?” [Youki]

“Since there is no change in my daughter’s behaviour, that means nothing special happened either… Do you get what I’m trying to say, Youki-kun?” [Celia]

Celia-san was smiling, but all I could manage were nonsensical words like ‘ah’ or ‘um’. No romantic events had happened for me, but instead, romantic flags were raised for my friend, Raven, and my former subordinate, Happiness. Even though Cecilia and I had met before they did, why were things progressing faster for them than for us?

“Youki-sama, here.” [Sophia]

Probably feeling sorry for me as I stood there and stuttered, Sophia-san gestured for me to sit down. After giving her a light bow, I was prepared to take a seat when I suddenly saw that a table with refreshments and snacks had already been prepared for me.

“T-Thank you very much.” [Youki]

“Do not worry about it. This much courtesy is natural for our guests.” [Sophia]

Gesturing me to take my time, Sophia-san then took a bow as she prepared to leave the room, however, before she could do so, Celia-san called out to her.

“Wait, Sophia. Would it be okay for you to join as well today?” [Celia]

“You’d like me to join?” [Sophia]

Even though Sophia-san didn’t show it on her face, she clearly looked puzzled. As the meeting today wasn’t initiated by me, I was similarly perplexed. Now that Sophia-san was invited to join, my confusion only grew. When Celia-san nodded quietly in response, Sophia-san made her way to the former’s side. No further words seemed necessary between them.

“Now, as for our talk about Cecilia’s situation… we’ll put an end to that conversation. I wasn’t planning to discuss about that from the beginning.” [Celia]

“Eh?” [Youki]

“Sorry about that, Youki-kun.” [Celia]

Upon seeing the mischievous smile on Celia-san’s face, I realized that she was teasing me. A look of exasperation crossed Sophia-san’s face at the same time. Did she know about it? It wasn’t something that I appreciated being teased about, though.

“I-I was really panicking earlier.” [Youki]

“Ufufu, sorry about it. But I’m looking forward to it actually. To see Cecilia behaving like how youngsters do now, and looking troubled like a young maiden.” [Celia]

“Hold it, isn’t that phrasing a bit too much?” [Youki]

It was as though Cecilia was characteristically unlike a young person. Even though she had not consulted me about her troubles before, so I wasn’t sure how she would behave, it still sounded somewhat rude.

“Hmm, Youki-kun hasn’t heard about Cecilia’s moniker yet, right?” [Celia]

“Yes. I had a chance to find out recently, but that opportunity was crushed by Cecilia herself.” [Youki]

“Come to think of it, I saw Cecilia dragging Mikana-chan to her room the other day. The expression on Cecilia’s face was one that she rarely shows. Could it have happened that day?” [Celia]

Was Mikana taken to Cecilia’s room after our discussion? I should apologize to her the next time we meet. It made me feel bad subjecting Mikana to a lecture – a fearsome lecture that could penetrate one’s body in mind and soul.

“That might be it. I have heard various past stories from Raven and Mikana.” [Youki]

“Oh my, is that true? I actually invited you over today to tell you Cecilia’s pasts.” [Celia]

“Eh? Is that okay? Wait, hold on a minute.” [Youki]

If what she said was true, it would be of great help to me, but the timing seemed too good to be true. Convenient information wouldn’t just fall into my lap. Celia-san was probably trying to have me eating out of her hand again.

“I don’t blame you for doubting me. Actually, Mikana-chan was the one who sought my help. She apologized for not being able to help and asked me to tell you that titbit about Cecilia instead.” [Celia]

It would seem that Mikana had entrusted this to Celia-san out of her strong sense of duty.

“I see. Is it okay for me to know?” [Youki]

“Ufufu, what problem would there be? There are no parents who wouldn’t want to talk about their own cute and talented daughter.” [Celia]

“That might be true.” [Youki]

“Madame, I don’t mind if you talk about it, but please think of your daughter as well.” [Sophia]

“I know. That’s why I asked you to stay behind, just in case. Please help if I let anything that I shouldn’t slip.” [Celia]

“I comprehend.” [Sophia]

“Please send Youki-kun to the dream world instantly so he won’t feel any pain.” [Celia]

“Hold it, hold it right there! So she’ll be doing something about me instead?!” [Youki]

The moment Celia-san opened her mouth, I would probably be grabbed by my head, or by the scruff of my neck and thrown out of the room. I was instantly on guard against Sophia-san, no longer feeling the leisure to listen to the story about Cecilia.

“Rest assured, Youki-kun. It’s only a half-joke.” [Celia]

“Sorry, but having completed a guild mission with Sophia-san once before, I know that she’s strong. I don’t feel at ease at all even if you’re not fully serious.” [Youki]

She has the strength to crush a rock lizard, that supposedly has a rock-like exterior, with only her heels. There was no way I could let my guard down around her.

“Then, let’s call it a joke, I guess. Otherwise, we won’t be moving on with the conversation.” [Celia]

It was highly important for me to know if she was still serious, but I shouldn’t prolong this exchange any longer. Both Celia-san and Sophia-san were busy, but they still made time for me. I should just let it drop.

“That’s true. Then, please.” [Youki]

“Then, let’s start with the moniker of my beloved daughter that I’m proud of.” [Celia]

“Hold it, hold it! I thought that topic was taboo.” [Youki]

We’re talking about her moniker. Cecilia had resorted to dragging Mikana away just to stop her from blabbing it out. Is it really okay for me to know it? But, Celia-san doesn’t seem to be concerned about it. She clearly looks puzzled as to why Cecilia is trying to keep it a secret.

“My pride and joy, Cecilia, is usually gentle and sincere. If she’s invited to a party, she always receives envy-filled glances, without fail. But she seems to really dislike her moniker. You can tell it right away because her expression stiffens, right?” [Celia]

“It’s common to have one or two things that you dislike people calling you, I guess.” [Youki]

Just what kind of moniker that would cause her to be so stubborn about it? I knew I shouldn’t ask, but I really wanted to know. There shouldn’t be a moniker worse than ‘Eternal Friend’.

“Holy Mother. That’s young mistress’s moniker.” [Sophia]

Sophia-san revealed it without any hesitation. Come to think of it, when I was carrying out the ‘Shadowing Dating Strategy’ (tailing Duke to steal his dating ideas), the children we encountered at the orphanage were calling her ‘Holy Mother’.

“Cecilia’s moniker is quite well-known. From the look of your face, you’ve heard of it before, haven’t you?” [Celia]

“Yes. The children at the orphanage that we went to a while ago called Cecilia by that name.” [Youki]

“The children tend to like Cecilia, so her moniker became widespread. All the children who approach her are little ones, so she can’t really say anything too harsh.” [Celia]

“Ahh, yeah. She was smiling bitterly. But she played with them as normal.” [Youki]

While on our way back, I tried asking her about that name, but she refused to answer. Was I stepping on a land mine at that point? Regardless, the name, ‘Holy Mother’, was perfect for a caring and motherly person like Cecilia.

“You’re wondering why she dislikes that name, right?” [Celia]

“You read my mind.” [Youki]

“I thought that name was fitting as well in the beginning. I don’t know why she is so reluctant to acknowledge it. But, Cecilia is also a maiden. It seems that there are things that she is concerned about.” [Celia]

Is she concerned because of age-related issues? I think I shouldn’t probe too deeply into it. I don’t want her to hate me because of my boorish delusions.

“Young mistress is also a human. There are areas that they don’t want to be broached, spaces that they don’t want others to enter. Youki-sama, please keep that in mind.” [Sophia]

I could only nod silently at Sophia-san’s reproachful words. There were things that I didn’t want people to probe either. The same goes with Cecilia.

“If it’s you, I don’t need to say more, right?” [Celia]

“Yes, I understand it perfectly.” [Youki]

“Then, it’s fine… By the way, about Cecilia’s moniker, I’ll also let you know that it was due to Hero-sama.” [Celia]

“Eh?! Could you please tell me more about that?” [Youki]

Did Cecilia’s moniker originate from Yuuga?

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