Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite Mita (WN) Chapter 92

Author: Suisei
Translator: Rinkage

Character page: Here

Chapter 92 – I listened to the past story of the girl I like

“Did you all sustain injuries often? Since you’ve said that it would have been hard without her.” [Youki]

“…It wasn’t an easy trip, but we didn’t get injured that much.” [Mikana]

“Hmmm, so that means things would have been worse not because of the absence of a cleric in a party, but because of Cecilia herself?” [Youki]

What other areas did Cecilia play an active role in? The only thing that came to mind was her being Yuuga’s nanny.

“First of all, let’s talk about Yuuga’s issues with women. If I were the one to settle it, things might have gotten even more heated up. Swordsman, on the other hand, couldn’t talk, so it wasn’t possible to stop them using written communication. If Yuuga were to personally try to stop it, more trouble would ensue.” [Mikana]

Raven and Mikana heaved a sigh at the same time. It looked like they had been through a lot. What the heck was Yuuga doing? He was adding more problems to the party despite being a hero himself.

“But Cecilia was also by Yuuga’s side, so wouldn’t the women be unhappy with her as well?” [Youki]

“In my case, they weren’t pissed because of me, rather, I was the one who got heated up myself…” [Mikana]

“Hey!” [Youki]

Her voice gradually became softer, but I could hear it perfectly. It seemed that she was the reason the discussion turned into an argument.

‘Unlike Mikana, Cecilia calmed the other person down with her gentle smile and honest words, without any unpleasantness.’

“Hold it there, swordsman! I don’t like the way you put it.” [Mikana]

Mikana brought her face closer to Raven as she retorted. The latter only looked away awkwardly and tore the note to shreds, but that seemed to be a little too late.

“Well, your annoyance is understandable. If the person you’re interested in is suddenly approached by so many rivals, you’ll definitely feel that way.” [Youki]

“H-Hmph! T-That’s right! I-I like Yuuga, so I couldn’t regain my composure at that time. B-But I could control myself somewhat now. Now, let’s get back to the topic about Cecilia.” [Mikana]

“You’re the one who changed the subject.” [Youki]

“Shut up!” [Mikana]

She glared at me when I blurted that out. Raven kept quiet as well (since there was no note from him), so I should just let it drop.

“I got it, no more retorts. Are there any other heroic tales about Cecilia?” [Youki]

“…Cecilia did the majority of the behind-the-scenes work the entire trip.” [Mikana]

Once again, the two of them looked away from me sheepishly.

“So it’s something like shopping, or cooking for the party? Come on, share it.” [Youki]

These were things that could be done by all members. They could take turns taking up a different task each time. Despite this, did they leave everything to Cecilia?

“…Cecilia was able to do everything without any issue, so a lot of tasks were handled by her.” [Mikana]

“Without any issue? What do you mean by that?” [Youki]

“Argh, you’re slow-witted, aren’t you! The swordsman and I are not good in certain areas, so we’re not able to rotate our duties!” [Mikana]

“So that means there’s a problem with the two of you?” [Youki]

Upon hearing my words, Mikana’s face flushed red with a mix of anger and embarrassment, while Raven responded with a wry smile.

“I’ll have you know that I can’t cook, okay! I can’t make anything edible even in a properly prepared cooking environment, so putting me in the wilderness wouldn’t be any better! I did try to learn, little by little, but…” [Mikana]

“In that respect, Cecilia was able to prepare proper food even while we were camping in the wilderness.” [Mikana]

She even served me delicious tea and desserts whenever I went to her place. So, when she was travelling with the party, she was probably putting her cooking skill to good use.

‘By the way, I can cook too, though not as good as Cecilia. We take turns making food so the burden wouldn’t fall on her alone.’ Raven showed me a note with additional information. I didn’t know that he could cook.

So, is Mikana’s cooking skill worse than Raven’s?

“Hey, you’re losing to Raven. Is your cooking skill okay?” [Youki]

“Shut it, it’s none of your business! Swordsman is a knight. He has to go on expeditions as a part of his job. He needs this knowledge in the event of food shortages.” [Mikana]

‘…Well, that’s true.’ Raven showed me a note written in small letters. He was probably feeling awkward. Even so, it was commendable of him as he was lightening the burden of the team.

“The two of them were in charge of cooking then. I know it’s strange to ask this now, but what does Yuuga do?” [Youki]

He was a hero and the leader of the party. What was he good at? Somehow, I already knew the answer.

“Yuuga can cook, too.” [Mikana]

“Hah? Seriously?” [Youki]

I couldn’t help my surprise upon hearing that unexpected answer. I didn’t know Yuuga had another role aside from fighting.

“He can make normal meals. His cooking is better than mine.” [Mikana]

“So, there were three people who were in charge of cooking?” [Youki]

In the latter half, her voice sounded forceful, though, but I decided to ignore it. Was Cecilia’s burden not as heavy when it came to cooking?

“No, only two.” [Mikana]

“Why is that?” [Youki]

Based on what was discussed, there should be three people with cooking skill, so who was the one slacking off?

“I did say that Yuuga could cook, but I have never said that he handled the cooking.” [Mikana]

“Why didn’t you let him cook?” [Youki]

“The dishes he made were unnecessarily luxurious. When he went for ingredients gathering, he ended up getting into trouble. Even when he went shopping, he ended up causing a commotion…” [Mikana]

“I see. These happened before cooking, huh?” [Youki]

“Each time something happened, Cecilia and swordsman would volunteer to take over instead.” [Mikana]

An emergency quest bell starts ringing whenever Yuuga starts cooking. Even when dinner time comes around, no one is able to relax. It sounds like a funny story if someone else hears it. If that’s the case, it would be less of a hassle just rotating the task between the two of them.

“Wouldn’t it work out if you all prepare the ingredients for him? Let him handle just the cooking part.” [Youki]

“I could only imagine Cecilia and the swordsman’s agitation while watching him cook.” [Mikana]

“The more I hear it, the more it sounds like some kind of curse.” [Youki]

A hero’s path is full of unforeseen events, huh? I don’t want that kind of life. Wait, it doesn’t concern me. I am a demon.

‘There’s also the tension during cooking. The cook is responsible for procuring and managing the ingredients. So, if you only let them do the cooking halfway, it would only increase the burden on both me and Cecilia.’ Raven offered his serious opinion with his note.

It seems that cooking is a complicated process.

“You’ve been acting self-important, writing all these for a while now, but I guess you’ve forgotten that you also have issues, huh?” [Mikana]

“Oh yeah, you did mention that Raven is weak in some areas, too.” [Youki]

He seemed to be good at cooking, but what about everything else? If I were to name one, that would be…

‘This is it’. Raven pointed at the memo he had just written.

I understood well that he couldn’t speak in public, but how did that affect the team negatively?

“The swordsman’s reliance on written communication is fatal. Each time an incident happened in various towns, he had to use a note for information gathering. We’re a party on a journey, so our stay in each place was limited. If we need to put the details down on paper every single time, there wouldn’t be enough time!” [Mikana]

‘During the journey, I was already practising how to write faster.’ Raven showed me a new note.

Your efforts are commendable, but you’re totally going about it the wrong way. I’m not saying that you should speak up, but there should be other ways than writing faster.

“Raven has his own circumstance, so just let it pass. I guess all the legwork is mainly done by the two ladies in the team?” [Youki]

“You automatically removed Yuuga from the equation, didn’t you? But, you’re right.” [Mikana]

Coming to this conclusion was easy after listening to the cooking story earlier. While he was gathering information, he could have revealed his identity by accident. In the end, he might be doing something completely different from his original purpose.

“Hey, can I know what was Yuuga in charge of?” [Youki]

“Commoner, please don’t ask me that. I don’t want to be the one saying it. If I did, Yuuga would…” [Mikana]

Raven was shaking his head in silence, hinting at me not to broach that subject. The trip for the hero’s party must have been quite an ordeal, especially for Cecilia.

“I wonder, how does he feel to be seen in such a way by his comrades in arms?” [Youki]

“Mishaps did happen due to him, but in the end, they led to actions that helped someone. So, I’m glad that Yuuga is the hero.” [Mikana]

‘A lot of things happened, but it was an exciting and fulfilling trip.’ As Raven showed me the note, he nodded repeatedly as if he was reminiscing about the journey.

That’s the hero for you. He seemed to be respected by his members even if he didn’t play much of a role. Yuuga was very fortunate to have such comrades.

However, this wasn’t the end of the story.

“Sorry for wrapping this up, but am I correct to say that Cecilia was in charge of preparing meals, procuring things, and also money management?” [Youki]

“I’m impressed. You knew that she’s also in charge of money management?” [Mikana]

“I assume Cecilia or Raven handled the shopping. Mikana was in charge of daily necessities, while Raven handled the ingredients. Cecilia managed the finances for both. Is that correct?” [Youki]

“T-That’s right. If we let the swordsman handle even the daily necessities, it would take too long, so I was in charge of that. Then Cecilia proposed to manage the money for both since I was handling both as well. In the end, it was decided without any objections.” [Mikana]

“Cecilia was handling way too many things.” [Youki]

Need to procure any items? Look for Cecilia.

Issues handling finances? Look for Cecilia.

Yuuga causing trouble? Look for Cecilia.

Sustained some injuries? Look for Cecilia.

Cecilia could basically form a one-person party and take care of business all by herself.

“We might have been spoiled by her kindness.” [Mikana]

‘…That’s true.’ Based on the note shown by Raven, and Mikana’s comment, the two of them seemed remorseful—although the person who should have repented the most was Yuuga. I hoped he understood just how much trouble he had caused Cecilia. At the same time, I hoped I hadn’t caused her just as much trouble myself.

‘Speaking of which, we were given various nicknames throughout our journey.’ Raven commented with his note.

Are you saying that Cecilia and the others also have similar nicknames as mine? That one nickname that has been designated as a part of my dark history – Magic Knight of Black Lightning.

“Ah, come to think of it, there was such a thing. I think Yuuga’s moniker was the ‘Roaming Hero’?” [Mikana]

“What the heck is that? The Roaming Hero? Shouldn’t it be something like the ‘Hero of Hope’?” [Youki]

The Roaming Hero sounded like a moniker for an undead. It didn’t seem to match a handsome, harem-making hero like Yuuga.

“Yuuga was causing trouble left and right, whether we were visiting towns, staying in villages, or camping outdoors. Despite being on a journey, he messed up all the timing and locations, resulting in numerous random sightings and earning him that moniker.” [Mikana]

“Is he an idiot?” [Youki]

He roamed around freely, causing trouble wherever he went and solving them after. Rumours must have spread each time this happened. This wasn’t something that would happen normally when people went on a journey.

“My moniker was ‘Guardian’, I think?” [Mikana]

“Shouldn’t that be Raven’s?” [Youki]

No matter how you look at it, ‘Guardian’ does not sound like a name given to a mage. It is more fitting for a knight like Raven.

“No, that’s definitely my moniker. It’s given by the moderate faction of Yuuga’s fans.” [Mikana]

“So you’re Yuuga’s guardian, huh? I can see that. By the way, what’s the moniker given to you by the extremists among Yuuga’s fans?” [Youki]

“…I think it was ‘Eternal Friends’. They were probably making fun of me, hoping that I would remain friends with him eternally.” [Mikana]

I think it’s bordering on bullying at this point, but whoever came up with it has quite a naming sense. I feel bad for Mikana, but I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Let’s pray that the two of you do not become eternal friends.

“By the way, what moniker was given to Raven?” [Youki]

“Hehe, he was called the ‘Cold-blooded Swordsman’.” [Mikana]

“Raven, what the hell did you do?!” [Youki]

I was surprised by the sudden ominous-sounding moniker. It didn’t seem to match Raven’s image at all, so he must have done something during the trip. At my reaction, Raven desperately shook his head as he tried to put his explanation in words to prove his innocence.

‘I have always gone about my life without speaking. Even when I fight, I only need my sword to slice the demons. No words are necessary. So, I don’t know how the misunderstanding developed, but I was eventually called the ‘cold-blooded man who does not shed blood or tears.’

I was somehow convinced when I read Raven’s note. A person who silently slays demons to death might give that impression, especially when he normally doesn’t even speak.

“Swordsman often communicates with his notes, so this image disappears soon, but his moniker remains.” [Mikana]

“Don’t mind it, Raven. You’re not a cold-blooded person at all. Then, what was Cecilia’s moniker?” [Youki]

“Hers should be…” [Mikana]

“It looks like you’re having a fun conversation.”

The instant we heard that voice, we froze. The owner of the voice who had interrupted Mikana’s reply was unmistakably the very person we were talking about – Cecilia. But, why was she here?

As if Cecilia had read our thoughts, she began to explain.

“I was looking for Mikana since I have something to tell her. Since she wasn’t around when I went to her house, I was planning to return home. But hero-sama who happened to pass by called out to me and told me that Mikana went to the cake shop. It just so happens that you all were having such an interesting conversation when I came in.” [Cecilia]

Cecilia firmly grabbed Mikana by the scruff of her neck. It reminded me of the time when I was caught by Sophia-san. From my experience, Mikana would probably be dragged away just like I was.

“W-Wait a minute, Cecilia. We’re just reminiscing about the past…” [Mikana]

“Yes. That’s why I’d like the two of us to take a trip down memory lane, too. We’ll… s-l-o-w-l-y take our time to reflect on our past. Well then, Youki-san and Raven-san, please excuse us today.” [Cecilia]

“Eh? W-Why is it only meeeeee~~~!?” [Mikana]

Mikana was then dragged off by Cecilia. The feminine touch at the table vanished instantly, leaving behind a scene showing two men facing each other in the cake shop instead.

“…Youki, I’m sorry but you’ll need to ask Cecilia herself about her moniker. I-I am not able to tell you.” [Raven]

“Y-Yeah. Thanks for the help today.” [Youki]

“I’m also indebted to you in many ways… Also, please thank Mikana personally as well.” [Raven]

Raven added the last remark as he stared at the entrance of the store where Mikana was forcibly pulled away. Judging from Cecilia’s reaction, bringing up her moniker would be pressing her hot buttons. I was overall satisfied with the knowledge I received today, and I also managed to resolve some of my confusion. It was unfortunate that Mikana ended up being sacrificed, though…

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